
Feature Result for Build: 1

Scenarios Steps
Feature Total Passed Failed Total Passed Failed Skipped Pending Duration Status
Site Security 10 10 0 39 39 0 0 0 7 secs and 559 ms passed
Feature: Site Security
Scenario: Anonymous Access to Secure Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/secure"
Then I should see the page " - Login"
Scenario: Anonymous Access to Administration Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/administration"
Then I should see the page " - Login"
Scenario: Anonymous Access to Administration Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/administration"
Then I should see the page " - Login"
Scenario: Authenticated Access to Secure Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/secure"
And I log in with the credentials "user" and "password"
Then I should see the page " - Secure"
Scenario: Authenticated Access to Administration Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/administration"
And I log in with the credentials "user" and "password"
Then I should see the page " - Access denied"
Scenario: Administrative Access to Secure Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/secure"
And I log in with the credentials "administrator" and "password"
Then I should see the page " - Secure"
Scenario: Administrative Access to Administration Pages
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/administration"
And I log in with the credentials "administrator" and "password"
Then I should see the page " - Administration"
Scenario: Invalid Authentication
Given I open any page
When I go to the page "/login"
And I log in with the credentials "invalid" and "invalid"
Then I should see the page " - Login"
And I should see the alert "Log in failed"
Scenario: Logged in navigation
Given I open any page
When I click on the link "Log in"
And I log in with the credentials "administrator" and "password"
Then I should see the "Log out" link
Scenario: Logged out navigation
Given I open any page
And I click on the link "Log in"
And I log in with the credentials "administrator" and "password"
When I click on the link "Log out"
Then I should see the "Log in" link